About the blog

I study how platformization changes the media landscape in the small Nordic nation of Finland.

Orcid ID 0000-0001-9463-3906 orcid.org/0000-0001-9463-3906

Doctoral candidate at the Tampere University doctoral degree education in Media, Communication and Performing arts, my dissertation project examines the relationships between the traditional media industry companies and new kinds of platform intermediary companies, the so-called multi-channel networks (MCN:s) and influencer marketing agencies, forming the emerging influencer industry (Hund, 2023; Abidin et al 2020).

What are the strategies and business models of the new platform intermediary companies and the media companies founded by the biggest influencers? What is the role of influencers and social video platform-enabled companies in the Finnish media landscape? Key outcome of my research will be the updated picture of the Finnish media landscape, aware of the public value development potential in influencers and influencer agencies in it.

My research is funded by Media Industry Research Foundation.

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A doctoral candidate of journalism at the University of Tampere, Tuija Aalto studies the strategic renewal of media. How does platformization change the media environment?